Webinar: Emergency Operations Centers
Emergency Operations Centers in Resource Limited Settings: Experiences from Burkina Faso, Ghana, and the West Africa Region
Emergency operations centers (EOC) are essential to a well-coordinated and integrated response to public health emergencies across relevant sectors and at different levels from local to national to regional. EOC can be located in permanent or temporary structures, as appropriate for the situation; however, regardless of the type of structure or location, appropriate plans and procedures must be developed, validated and implemented; reliable information systems must be in place; staff must be trained; the capacity to establish or expand EOC rapidly and communicate across borders as outbreaks emerge must exist; simulation exercises to test the adequacy of systems and response should be held regularly; and political will from decision makers and leaders must exist along with a commitment to appropriately finance and resource the EOC.
FHI 360 will highlight the experiences of global experts in the establishment of EOC in Burkina Faso, Ghana, and at the regional level in West Africa. Participants will hear how experts have tailored global norms to meet country or regional needs, challenges faced, and keys to success and sustainability.
EOC Post Event Webinar Access Passcode: gbg4zCSf