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Past Events
Webinar: Achieving Strong One Health Partnerships
This webinar will feature two successful examples of One Health implementation by experts from the Africa and Asia regions.
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This interactive session will offer hands-on experience in improving understanding and creating effective public health communication messages in the context of emerging infectious diseases (EID) and the critical importance of ground-breaking research to detect such events.
Read MoreWebinar: Emergency Operations Centers
FHI 360 will highlight the experiences of global experts in the establishment of EOC in Burkina Faso, Ghana, and at the regional level in West Africa. Participants will hear how experts have tailored global norms to meet country or regional needs, challenges faced, and keys to success and sustainability.
Read MoreThought Leadership Symposium 2021
Join the Emerging Infectious Diseases and Health Security Division at FHI 360 as it hosts its first annual Thought Leadership Symposium with global experts in infectious diseases and global health security to discuss the emerging consequences of the intersection between COVID-19 and antimicrobial resistance.
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