Webinar: Achieving Strong One Health Partnerships

December 6, 2022 at 12 pm GMT (8 am ET)

Country Success Stories from Asia and Africa

The One Health approach supports global health security by improving communication, collaboration, and coordination between the human, animal, and environmental sectors to address shared health threats such as zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, food safety, and others. Many countries have implemented the One Health approach over the last decade and demonstrated measurable benefits. However, One Health champions and implementers face multiple challenges with operationalizing and legalizing One Health at the country level. Challenges are also faced with determining long-term impacts to help justify supportive policies and resource allocations. Because of the wide, apparently comprehensive nature of One Health in advancing cooperative energies of various disciplines and areas, the One Health community has confronted difficulties coming to consensus on indicators for formally evaluating One Health success. This webinar will feature two successful examples of One Health implementation by experts from the Africa and Asia regions.

Dao Thu Trang, Fleming Fund Vietnam Project Lead, FHI 360

Shu-Hua Wang, MD, PharmD, MPH & TM, FIDSA, Director of Research and Implementation Science, Global One Health initiative, The Ohio State University

Janet Robinson, FIBS​, Director, Emerging Infectious Diseases and Health Security, FHI 360, webinar host

Yasser Sanad, DVM, MVSc, PhD, Zoonotic and One Health Technical Advisor, Emerging Infectious Diseases and Health Security, FHI 360, webinar moderator