Our vision
is to ensure that global and local public health systems are ready and able to effectively prevent, detect, and respond to infectious diseases.

Emerging Infectious Diseases & Health Security (EIDHS) is a global team with in-country, local experts who have extensive knowledge in global health security and emerging infectious diseases, who are committed to strengthening health security capacity across the world.
We use our internal and extensive breadth of expertise to strategically partner and collaborate with international communities to provide technical resources and lead the design and implementation of innovative, actionable, and sustainable solutions to prevent, detect, and respond to outbreaks.

- Antimicrobial Resistance
- Zoonotic Diseases
- Biosafety/Biosecurity
- Immunization
- Behavioral Change

- National Laboratory Systems
- Surveillance
- Reporting
- Workforce Development

- Emergency Operations Centers
- Linking Public Health with Law Enforcement and Multi-sectoral Rapid Response
- Medical Countermeasures and Personnel Deployment
Our Team

Janet Robinson
Portfolio Director
Janet’s areas of expertise include global health security, health systems strengthening, infectious and tropical diseases, and clinical research.

Sandeep Meharwal
technical director
Sandeep’s work includes capacity building for infectious diseases diagnostics in areas such as workforce development and management information systems.

Mungai Ndung’u
regional diagnostics advisor
Mungai is skilled in laboratory science, infectious disease surveillance, emerging pandemic threats, and priority pathogen diagnostic strengthening.